Monday, June 10, 2013

Projector + iPad + Apple TV = Success!

      I was going to start out by saying that my Dongle is my favorite piece of technology equipment in my classroom, but then I thought maybe it was inappropriate. My seventh graders sure do chuckle, however, whenever I say it! Seriously, my black "tank" projector cart hooked up to my iPad, WITH my Apple TV of course, is my go-to tech gadget of choice when teaching. I absolutely love that I can walk around the classroom instead of being tied down, like when my computer is hooked up to my projector.

      I have found so many nifty apps to use in my English/reading classroom! For example, I can quickly take a picture of any worksheet, such as a Daily Oral Language sheet, and pop it into Skitch. From there I can project it immediately and also do the corrections on the iPad with my stylus for the entire class to see!

      While teaching the novel Crispin, I bought the book on my Kindle, used the Kindle app, took a screen shot of the pages for Chapter 1, again popped it into Skitch, and we annotated the text right up on the screen! (Can you tell Skitch is one of my favorite apps?!) I LOVE my iPad and my Apple TV...the perfect marriage for classroom fun and success!

 Image from


  1. Haha! You crack me up Suzanne! Great post! Love the DOL idea with Skitch, simple but very practical. Thanks for sharing!

    Brent Catlett

    1. Thanks, Brent. I'm a Skitchaholic and proud of it.

  2. You are probably the wrong person to ask about this since you have and use an iPad, but do you happen to know if there is anything like Skitch available on the regular computer? I have a document camera with my media cart, but some of our teachers only have the projector and cart, so Skitch would be a valuable way to project without a document camera.

    You have a great-looking blog, Suzanne. I enjoyed looking at some of your other posts.

    Kathy Liebenguth

    1. Kathy, Skitch is available for your MacBook! I have not downloaded it to mine, so I can't give you any first hand knowledge of how it works compared to the iPad. Just go to the app store on your computer and search for Skitch for Mac. :) And, it's FREE!
