Friday, June 14, 2013

Equine Envy

My niece got a horse the other day.  I've never been so jealous of an eight-year-old in my whole life.

Let's Start at the Beginning

I grew up on a farm.  I loved everything about  it....the sounds, the open fields, riding in the combine with my Dad, driving tractor for baling hay....even the smells of the cows and pigs.  I was the epitome of "farm girl".  I showed swine in 4-H at the county and state fairs (beat that, city girls).  But the one thing I always wanted was a horse.  I begged my dad to get me one.  The answer was always the same:  "You know who will end up taking care of it!"  I would, Dad!  But he never seemed to believe or be swayed by my heartfelt pleas.

Hints, Clues, and Everything Equine

I plotted to show my pessimistic father that I was indeed serious about this request and quite capable of caring for such a majestic animal.  I was never a "girly girl", but I ramped up the tomboy act a notch.  I latch hooked an entire rug that had a horse's head on it.  (OK, maybe that was more Martha
Stewart-ish than tomboy in retrospect.)  Instead of my usual Barbies (OK, I was a tiny bit girly girl), I asked for Johnny West's wife, Jane, and her horse.  She came with all the Western goodies a girl could ask, ropes, a cowgirl hat, and the best saddle ever!  None of this subtle coercion, or the not-so-subtle begging, did any good.  I never did get a horse to call my own.

Fast Forward

During the next 33 years, most of which I have lived NOT on a farm, I would go on numerous trail rides, ride with friends who had horses, and tried to ride wherever we happened to be vacationing.  Trail riding with my 11-year-old son in the Teton Mountain Range would top my list of "greatest things ever".  I cry my eyes out at movies like War Horse and Secretariat.  (Don't know whatever happened to that latch hook rug, though.)  So, imagine my surprise when I get a text from my brother, saying something like this:  Lauren got a new pet.  It's not staying at our house, but you'll have fun with it when you are here.  Hmmmm....interesting.  A kitten?  A puppy?  A liger?  A cow, perhaps?  Then comes the picture that turns me a vicious shade of green.  REALLY???? My childhood dream, staring me in the face...with her big 'ol brown eyes and beautiful bay coat.  I never thought it was possible to be jealous of an eight-year-old, but there it was. 

I have forgiven my dad for never getting me a horse (well, MOSTLY forgiven, anyway).  My niece says I am allowed to ride her horse if I let her have my old barbies.  All but Jane, little girl....all but Jane.


  1. I had all of the Best of the West horses, action figures, buckboards, covered wagons.....Actually still do at my mom's house! I need to find someone to buy them! Great blog!

    1. You could probably make a mint off of them on ebay! :)
